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Intel to Host 2021 Indie Game Developer Tournament

Intel, the multinational chip maker, has announced tha

Intel to Host 2021 Indie Game Developer Tournament

Intel, the multinational chip maker, has announced that it will be hosting a new tournament for independent game developers in 2021. The event will be a showcase for some of the most innovative game developers in the industry and will provide a platform for them to highlight their work and make important contacts in the gaming community.

This is not the first time that Intel has organized a gaming event. The company is already well-known for its support of eSports, and has organized a number of tournaments and competitions in the past. However, this new event will be exclusively focused on independent game developers, who may require additional visibility and support to help their projects get off the ground.

The tournament is expected to feature a range of different game genres, from puzzle and adventure games to action-packed shooters and strategy games. In addition to prize money, the tournament will offer developers the chance to showcase their creations to an international audience and gain valuable exposure.

Who Can Participate?

To participate in the tournament, developers will need to meet a number of requirements. First and foremost, they will need to be independent game developers who have not yet received any significant funding or published any major titles. Second, they will need to have a playable demo of their game available for review. Finally, they will need to agree to the terms and conditions of the tournament, including any legal or intellectual property considerations.

The tournament is open to developers from all over the world. However, it is important to note that some regional restrictions may apply, depending on local laws and regulations. Developers are encouraged to check with the organizers before submitting their applications.

What Are the Prizes?

The tournament will offer a number of prizes for the top-performing developers. These prizes include cash awards, hardware and software packages, and valuable exposure to the gaming community. The total prize pool is expected to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, with the exact amount to be determined at a later date.

In addition to the prize money, developers will be able to use the tournament as a launchpad for their careers in the gaming industry. This can be an incredibly valuable opportunity for developers who are just starting out and may not have the resources or connections to get their games noticed otherwise.

When and where will the tournament take place?

The exact details of the tournament, including the dates and location, have not yet been announced. However, Intel has confirmed that it will be sometime in 2021 and that it will be a global event. Developers from all over the world will have the opportunity to participate and showcase their games.

Given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is possible that the tournament may be held entirely online. However, Intel has not yet made any official announcements regarding this possibility. Developers are advised to stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.


The announcement of Intel's 2021 Indie Game Developer Tournament is great news for independent game developers all over the world. This event could be a game-changer for many developers who are struggling to get their projects off the ground. With its focus on independent game developers, strong prize pool, and international reach, this could be one of the most important gaming events of the year. Developers are encouraged to keep an eye on Intel's official website for further updates regarding the tournament.